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FUE Hair Transplant In Pune

Follicular unit excision (FUE) hair transplant involves removing individual hair follicles that is natural clusters of hairs grouped in 1-4 hairs each from the back of the head and at times from the beard and other body regions to be transplanted typically back into balding areas of the scalp or other areas of the body as aesthetically needed. These follicular units also contain sebaceous (oil) glands, nerves, a small muscle, and occasional fine lines. This will make the hair in the new area look thicker. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE)are two commonly used and accepted techniques.

Consultation Procedure for FUE HAIR TRANSPLANT IN PUNE

First, make your appointment in Pune's best hair transplant clinic and get solution to your hair problems. Discuss your goals and expectations with a hair transplant surgeon. They will examine your scalp to determine if you are a good candidate for FUT. The FUE procedure can be done under local anesthesia. During the procedure, Surgeons use micro punches to extract single follicles and move them, leaving behind almost no signs of extraction. the surgeon will remove a thin strip of scalp from the donor area, which is typically the back of the head. The strip will then be dissected into individual follicular units under a microscope. The recipient area, where the hair will be transplanted, will be prepared with tiny incisions. The follicular units will then be transplanted into these incisions. Better option for people with long hair who want to cover the donor area as it is less expensive.
At CITC clinic we have a team of the BEST doctors in Pune for hairloss treatment, they will guide you through the treatment and will give instructions such as keeping the transplanted area clean and dry to prevent infection. Patients may experience some swelling and soreness for a few days. They can return to work and most activities within a few days, they should avoid strenuous activity for several weeks.


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