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GFC Hair Treatment In Pune

GFC is a non-surgical treatment, It is completely safe and improves the thickness and density of hair in thinning or affected areas by injecting growth factors and enhancing the overall blood supply in that area. In this treatment, blood platelets are used to stimulate hair growth. Blood Platelets are enriched with various growth factors. Wockhardt Scientists extract them from the blood at a high concentration as a Growth Factor Concentrate is a specially designed Wockhardt GFC kit. The collected GFC is then administered at the site to be treated with precise tools and specialists. The overall process involves no platelet loss and is non-pyrogenic, secure, and regenerates damaged tissues naturally.



This treatment includes reducing hair fall, enhancing hair thickness, and improving overall hair volume. It is suitable for both men and women. The blood is taken out through a syringe and the growth factor is further examined to prepare the GFC treatment for hair without any contamination. GFC therapy is a safe and effective procedure that delivers high concentrations of growth factors directly to the scalp, promoting regeneration and repair of hair follicles. GFC treatment in Pune typically requires around 3-4 sessions to start showing results and may be combined with other topical or oral medications to reduce pain and swelling. As it is a non-surgical procedure chances of pain, inflammation, or infection, making it a popular choice for both males and females experiencing hair loss. It helps with hair fall reduction and makes hair thicker and fuller in volume. GFC is injected directly into the scalp and your own growth factors are delivered at high concentration right at the hair root. GFC therapy is equally effective for males and females with the early or late signs of Alopecia. However, to ensure, it is essential to get your scalp diagnosed by the best skin doctors in Pune. They will suggest the best possible treatment for your hair loss.


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